Design & Innovation

Bike Shelter

Bike Shelter

Covered Storage Shelters Outdoor storage facilites come in two forms; fully enclosed hubs to satisfy Class 1 parking requirements and covered shelters to satisfy Class 2 parking requirements. Ready to discover which is right for you? Reach out to our hub and shelter...

Key Ways Bike Rooms Complement Bikeways

Key Ways Bike Rooms Complement Bikeways

Places are sculpted by how people move through them. A growing number of communities are choosing to bicycle. Each community that uses bicycle transportation is supported by roads that allow them to ride safely. As an initiative, many cities plan ways to accommodate...

The Dust, or Ash, Has Settled On Electric Skateboards

The Dust, or Ash, Has Settled On Electric Skateboards

Electric skateboards have continued in their revolutionary direction. We have seen how much they have progressed. Now the development of these personal electric vehicles has reached a steady point, now they are the best they’ve ever been. Boosted BoardsTheir users are...

Uniting high-level security with a modular design

Uniting high-level security with a modular design

Ground Control Systems is launching the modular Metal Bike Vault® (MBV) to expand their bike locker offering after the success of the VisiLocker™. The MBV provides a next level of safety and durability, compared to current metal and fiberglass options. The MBV...